New Mexico Red Chile Popcorn – It’s Addicting!

Grains, Red Chile, Snacks
Red Chile Popcorn - your favorite popcorn flavored with a New Mexico red chile blend and butter. #popcorn #redchile @mjskitchen

Popcorn is one of the easiest snacks to throw together, especially when you want something light and tasty. It’s so easy to make, that there is no need to buy those butter and salt loaded microwave versions. All you need is the popcorn, a little oil, a large skillet and whatever you want for flavor.

For this red chile popcorn, I use my red chile spice blend, unsalted butter, and a little sea salt. If you prefer, you could use my green chile spice blend instead. Both yield a very spicy and addictive popcorn snack.

Since the seasoned butter is drizzled onto the popcorn at the end, you can make your popcorn any way you want. I prefer to use a large skillet with a glass dome shaped lid. In a large skillet, spread out to one layer to help each kernel pop and the whole batch to pop relatively quickly. It took me a few years to discover this method, but once I did, I have never popped popcorn any other way since. Also, since I already have a large skillet, there is no need for another appliance to take up space.

For this batch of red chile popcorn, I used a red kernel corn that came in a holiday gift last year (see below), thus the darker center in each popped kernel. However, popcorn is popcorn, so use yellow, blue, red or a mix. It’s all good.

Red Chile Popcorn - your favorite popcorn flavored with a New Mexico red chile blend and butter. #popcorn #redchile @mjskitchen
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Red Chile Popcorn - your favorite popcorn flavored with a New Mexico red chile blend and butter. #popcorn #redchile @mjskitchen
New Mexico Red Chile Flavored Popcorn
1 min
5 mins

An addictive popcorn snack seasoned with a red chile spice and butter.

*See Kitchen Notes for more information, related links and substitutions.

Course: Appetizer, Snack
Cuisine: American, New Mexico
Keyword: popcorn, red chile, snack
Yields: 4 person snack
Recipe Author: MJ of MJ’s Kitchen
  • 1 1/2 Tbsp olive oil*
  • 1/2 cup popcorn
Seasoning (red chile butter)
  • 2 Tbsp unsalted butter
  • 1/2 tsp red chile spice blend* (See Kitchen Notes)
  • sea salt to taste
  1. Add the olive oil to a large skillet. Start heating over a medium heat.

  2. Add the popcorn and spread it out for one layer (as shown).

    Red Chile Popcorn - your favorite popcorn flavored with a New Mexico red chile blend and butter. #popcorn #redchile @mjskitchen
  3. Cover, but tilt the lid so that it leaves a small air gap to allow the moisture generated to escape.

  4. While you are waiting for the popcorn to start popping, prepare the red chile butter (instructions below).

  5. Increase heat to medium high. When the popcorn starts to pop, reduce heat to medium.

  6. Gently shake the pan occasionally to move unpopped corn to the bottom of the skillet.

  7. Continue to heat until you only hear an occasional pop. Turn off the heat and let sit for about one minute to finish popping.

    Red Chile Popcorn - your favorite popcorn flavored with a New Mexico red chile blend and butter. #popcorn #redchile @mjskitchen
Seasoning (red chile butter)
  1. Add 2 Tbsp. butter to a ramekin. Top with 1/2 tsp. red chile spice blend.

  2. Melt in a microwave for 30 seconds on high or until all of the butter has melted. Stir to combine ingredients. Taste, Add a pinch or two of sea salt if needed.

  3. Pour the popped popcorn into a large bowl. Drizzle the red chile butter over the popcorn a little at a time. Toss the popcorn to coat the popcorn. Continue drizzling with the butter until it is all used and the popcorn is coated.

  4. Serve and Enjoy!

Kitchen Notes

Olive Oil – To add another layer of flavor to the popcorn, you could use an infused olive oil.  I would suggest a garlic infused oil or a chile spiced oil.


Link to Red Chile Spice Blend.  I would highly recommend making up this blend because there on so many ways to use it; however, if you don’t want to make it up, then substitute with some red chile powder, chipotle powder and salt.

For other ways to use these red and green chile spice blends, check out this post.

Red Chile Popcorn - your favorite popcorn flavored with a New Mexico red chile blend and butter. #popcorn #redchile @mjskitchen

Earlier I mentioned a holiday gift that we received from family last year. It was the perfect gift for Bobby and me because we are both popcorn lovers. The gift was the Movie Night Gift Set from Los Poblanos Farm Shop in Los Ranchos, New Mexico. Along with the popcorn, the set includes a jar of lavender honey (made at the farm with Los Poblanos lavender), and two vials of sea salt – Oaxacan Salt and Chimayo Salt. The popped popcorn is seasoned with a lavender honey butter and sprinkled with both salts. It’s so good – spicy like this red chile popcorn, but also sweet. As you are eating it, you get just a hint of lavender from the honey which makes a very interesting snack.

If you are looking for more ideas for a tasty afternoon snack, check out these delights.


  1. Pingback: New Mexico Red Chile Popcorn – It’s Addicting! – MJ’s Kitchen | yummyumm in a pinch

  2. Wow, amazing popcorn recipe! I really like your blog.

  3. MJ, one thought & its detritus: one half a cup holds 8 Tbsp of oil; this recipe requires 3.5 Tbsp of oil/butter, or almost half of the amount of popcorn required. Some of the 1.5 Tbsp of fat cannot be separated from the bottom of a wide skillet, but a lot of it will coat the popcorn – maybe 1 Tbsp.

    Any popcorn covered in that much fat will be divine. The chile will help excuse consumption of so much unctuous pleasure.

    • Joe, A very good analysis of the fat content. I know it’s not the healthiest snack, but that’s probably why it’s so good. 🙂 I call it one of our guilty pleasures which, at my age, I seem to be indulging in more and more. 🙂 Thanks so much for you comment!

  4. MJ,
    This is new addiction! Making popcorn and watching them pop! I loved how you have used skillet and I believed weirdly that popcorn can only be readymade made by professionals. I didn’t quite know it’s possible homemade. Thank you! All my flavours and seasonings. No more boring cinema popcorn.

    • Hasin, I obviously missed your comment when first posted. So glad I’ve finally seen it. Thank you so much for your comments. I’m glad you’re enjoying it. It is our go to snack for Sunday Matinee at home. 🙂

  5. Its more easy to make with full of flavor snacks Mj..and more yummy & sound too delicious also….i will trying to making it in my evening snack…Thanks for sharing…..!

  6. Going to look up those spice blends now. I found LOTS of red chile powder in the pantry on my last clean out.

  7. Okay… the movie night gift set sent me on a tangent for hours, lol (how adorable & brilliant is that). I adore this kind of stuff and then I start imagining all the ways I can create something similar…will it be tea… will it be bath salts… will it be craft beer? haha, sky’s the limit. We are big popcorn fans too! I’ve never used red corn before though, I’m intrigued. Your red chile spice blend sounds way better than our generic chili flakes. So many great discoveries in this post MJ, thank you!

    • Thanks so much Kelly! I’m glad you enjoyed visiting the Los Poblanos Farms Gift shop. So many nice things and believe me, I’ve bought quite a bit from them over the years. We love driving out to the farm when the lavender fields are in bloom. It’s just gorgeous. AND it has a wonderful restaurant that uses the produce grown on the farm and locally raise meats. A great place to eat a nice anniversary meal. 🙂

      Normally, I buy a blend of popcorn that has yellow, blue and red in it, but I had run out, so I used the red that was in the gift. For blue and red popcorn, the popped kernels are stark white and very tasty. Of course the chile spice just makes it addicting. enjoy!!!

  8. Wow..This is an amazing evening snacks ever…..and i will trying to make it tomorrow’s snack…..Thanks for sharing…..!

  9. Wow, there’s pop corn, one of my favorite snacks here. Thank you for sharing the new flavor variants of Popo Corn, I will make it.
    Greetings from Indonesia.

    • Well Hello from Indonesia! thanks so much for dropping by! I hope you enjoy this version of a flavored popcorn. There is so much one can do with popcorn that it’s a shame to eat it with nothing except salt. 🙂

  10. I’ve been a popcorn addict my whole life! Having a new, yummy version to try makes me very happy!!

  11. I went to a talk about the restoration of Native American foods in the current Native American community, both urban and rural. The speakers brought some sample foods — including pop corn spiced in a way similar to yours, which I believe they said was how it might have been served in the past (I’m not sure how far back in the past).

    So your recipe is doubly interesting!

    be well… mae at

    • Thanks for the comment Mae! Bet that was an interest talk and it’s always better with food. 🙂 A few years back, I attending a 2 day conference in Santa Fe about indigenous cuisine. I learned A LOT and the food was awesome. I think we all could learn a lot from our past.

  12. This popcorn looks and sound delightful! I love homemade seasonings for popcorn and this looks like a perfect evening snack with a cool drink.

    • Thanks Amy! One can really beat a homemade seasoning for just about anything. Why pay for an expensive blend when you already have all of the ingredients.

  13. Now this does sound quite additive…I bet you have to eat more than a handful. 😁

  14. Spicy popcorn sounds very additive and would likely result in the consumption of some cold beer. All good things. Good tip on the pan, as I have such a pan that I can use. I never knew there where different colors of popcorn, but it makes sense.

    • Oh it is addicting! Cold beer is a must that why it’s a great summertime treat. Sitting out on the patio, munching popcorn with a cold beer. Can life get any better? 🙂 Hope you give the skillet method a try. It was a life changing event for me. 🙂 thanks and hope you’re doing well.

  15. Fantastic idea to change up movie night. The boys love it spicy so this would be a big hit with them.

  16. Saying midweek hello from south of Sydney, Australia ! Have been to the States many times but never to New Mexico. Have had popcorn about twice in my life ! Big learning curve – interesting !! Oh . . . cooking mostly Australasian fusion love most matters spicy . . .

    • Well Hello Eha!!! Love having a visitor from Sydney! Sorry you never made it to New Mexico. Hopefully, the next time you come to the states, you can add New Mexico to the list. Let me know and I’ll send you to some beautiful places. Popcorn is a staple over here. One can always buy it at the movie theaters and by the pound at the markets. We love it and eat it at least once a week. Hope you get to try this version. I’ll think you’ll be hooked. 🙂

  17. Move on cheese powder, this is how I will make my popcorns for now on

    • Thanks Raymund! Oh yes, this is much better than cheese powder, but then I’ve never been a big fan of that. Hope you enjoy!

  18. What a neat way to prepare popcorn! I’m definitely trying it. Love the spicy seasoning too — and as you know, I LOVE spicy. 🙂 Totally my kind of recipe — thanks.

  19. Have never made popcorn in a skillet..really cool!

  20. Love the seasoning, MJ. I tend to make my own popcorn on the weekends so this will be perfect. Now which to choose first, red or green . . . Stay cool, it’s looking like a hot week out there!

  21. Absolutely love your version. Keeping for further gatherings ( hoping to have some ). Thank you and enjoy your day !

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