Roasted Garlic – Dishes That Are Better Because Of It

Lists and Round Ups
Roasted Garlic - the byproduct of making garlic infused oil

The other day I was asked “What do you do with all of the roasted garlic from the Infused Garlic Oil recipe?” Great question! For those of you who aren’t familiar with my Roasted Garlic Infused Oil, here’s a brief summary. The recipe provided here uses 4 to 6 heads of garlic and yields about 3 cups of garlic infused oil, and lots of roasted garlic cloves. The garlic oil is easy to use. Just use it in place of regular olive oil any time you want to impart a little garlic flavor in a dish. However, all of those roasted garlic cloves don’t get used up quite as easily. After a little surfing I was able to find several recipes that call for a respectable amount of roasted garlic. Below are many roasted garlic dishes for your enjoyment!

Chips and Dip

Black-eyed Pea Chipotle Dip by MJ’s Kitchen

Roasted Garlic and Rosemary Bean Dip by Eliot’s Eats

Roasted Garlic Baba Ganoush by Cook Eat Paleo

Feta With Roasted Garlic Dip by MJ’s Kitchen

Roasted Garlic Salad Dressing @ CookEatShare

Roasted Garlic Pesto @ Girl Gone Gourmet

Crostini with cucumber slices, cream cheese and a sprinkle of red chile powder

Cucumber and Cream Cheese Crostini by MJ’s Kitchen

Roasted Garlic Crostini by My San Francisco Kitchen

Fettucini in Parmesan-Roasted Garlic Cream Sauce by The Cozy Apron

Roasted Garlic Chicken and Herb White Pizza by Dinners, Dishes, & Desserts

Red chile bread

Red Chile Garlic Bread by MJ’s Kitchen

Roasted Garlic and Rosemary Focaccia by Epicurean Mom

Easy Artisan Roasted Garlic-Rosemary Bread by Nobel Pig

Bowl of mashed potatoes with roasted garlic and herbs

Mashed Potatoes With Roasted Garlic and Herbs by MJ’s Kitchen

Cauliflower and Roasted Garlic Soup by Spoonful

Red, White and Bleu Potato Salad With Roasted Garlic by Eliot’s Eats

Roasted Garlic Cauliflower @ Wholesome Yum

Ingredients for Grits and Green Chile

Grits Souffle’ with Rosemary & Roasted Garlic by When Harry Met Salad

Roasted Garlic Chicken Skillet by Iowa Girl Eats

Roasted Garlic, Fontina and Chicken Risott0 by oui, chef

Roasted Garlic Mac & Cheese by Far & Away

Green Chile Chicken Noodle Soup with Roasted Garlic

Bourbon Braised Pork Loin with Mushrooms, Apples and Roasted Garlic

Avocado Onion Salad with a Garlic Lime Vinaigrette

For more recipes heavy on the garlic, see my Celebration of Garlic. Also, if you have a recipe that uses roasted garlic that you would like to share, please leave a link or the recipe in a comment below. Thanks!


  1. MJ, I made the garlic infused oil/roasted garlic and followed your instructions to a T(unless I read something wrong, which I am prone to do…), and it was soooo good! The only problem I’m having is that the jar of garlic (in the fridge) the oil and lime juice seperated and I have a white layer of “fat” (for lack of a better word) on top. Is it supposed to do this? Sorry if my question seems silly – had brain anuerysm surgery 3 yrs ago and sometimes my brain goes on idle and I can’t quite articulate. πŸ˜€
    I’ve just started visiting your blog, have it favorited and so far, my husband and I love your recipes!
    It’s so nice to discover cooking/baking again!

    • Sue, thanks so much for your comment! I’m thrilled you liked the garlic and oil. Yes, the oil will solidify in the fridge. Just set the jar on the counter for about 30 minutes befor using and it will be oil again. It’s not a problem that the lime juice and oil separated, but if you want them combined, just let the oil “melt”, pour the liquid from the jar, whisk to an emulsion, return to the jar and back into this fridge. Hope this helps. Thanks again for your wonderful comments! So glad you are enjoying my recipes. Hope this finds you having a great day!

  2. Cut off the top of the garlic head, drizzle olive oil in all the creaks and crevices of each and every clove, season with salt and pepper, wrap up in foil and bake away. What results is pretty much liquid gold, except it’s more of a paste, but pasty gold just doesn’t sound right… If you’re using the roasted garlic as a spread, you can squeeze it all out, but if you’re using it in this pasta, try to keep the cloves whole.

  3. I love roasted garlic and need to check out those recipes. Great line-up as always!

  4. I for sure always pin your recipes, but today this post MUST get pinned under my favorites! I LOVE roasted garlic! Would you believe, at a restaurant I was auditing the other day. The Chef actually said he had never eaten roasted garlic. WHAT? They were using the roasted garlic as garnish….such a waste! I think roasted garlic has such an amazing flavor, and is pretty amazing on anything! Beautiful post, Hugs, Terra

    • A chef had never tried roasted garlic!?!?! Roasted garlic as garnish? Are you kidding me? WOW! Takes all kinds! Thanks for pinning my posts! You are awesome!

  5. I’m just drooling after reading through all these ideas for roasted garlic! I want them all!!!

  6. Roasted garlic is so indispensable. It add magic to so many dishes. Heck, just spread on grilled bread, it’s pretty awesome, too.

  7. What an extensive round-up of roasted garlic recipes. I should sit down and do this soon.. I’ve so many jars empty from using up my jam:)xx

  8. Ooh, I love garlic so much! I love this collection of recipes, you will keep me busy, thanks!

  9. I love roasted garlic, and am excited to see this collection of recipes. I currently have a bottle of garlic infused olive oil that I’m learning to incorporate into meals, but I can’t wait to try your infused garlic oil recipe next!

  10. Thank you for collecting all the wonderful recipes using roasted garlic! I have to keep these links. My husband is a garlic lover and he totally converted me to a garlic lover. πŸ™‚ Happy 4th of July!

    • Thanks Nami! Good for the hubby for making you a garlic convert!! Now he just needs to work on the spicy thing. πŸ™‚

  11. WOW! Look at all those awesome recipes! Thanks for sharing, MJ… I’m about to print me up a bunch! By the way, I love roasted garlic anything! Seriously, if I didn’t have to breathe and talk all day, I would eat roasted garlic all.the.time. πŸ˜€

  12. Looks like I need to roast some garlic…what a bunch of terrific recipes!

  13. Really great stuff you share here, MJ! Almost every Southeast Asian dishes call for garlic, so I don’t have problem with bulk load full of garlic:) The recipe round-ups you highlighted give some fabulous ideas which I’ve not tried before. I am still thinking about your red chili garlic bread…Must try soon! Wishing you and Bobby a wonderful July 4th holiday!

  14. I keep wanting to make some infused olive oils, but haven’t yet. It’s great how you don’t waste the garlic and put it to yummy use. Great roundup, MJ:)

  15. I love roasted garlic just as much as I love roasted vegetables. Your recipe collection is beautiful just like your pics!

  16. I love garlic as well, most of the Filipino recipes call for at least 4 cloves of garlic. Mmmm

  17. Hi MJ, just popped over to let you know that your link to Food on Friday: Breakfast was featured in my Need Some Inspiration? Series today. Hope you are having a good week.

  18. What a great idea for a post MJ and you’ve treated us to some delicious recipes in your round-up. I am 100% committed to garlic in virtually all forms πŸ˜‰ so this delights and inspires. I still remember the first time I saw your sliced cucumber sandwich (was it paprika running down the center?) in any case, it made such an impression on me — simple perfection. And frankly, I can’t think of anything more appealing in the summer heat than low-key, crunchy, cool cucumber. Thank you for the reminder (can you guess what we’re having for dinner tonight? ;0).

  19. I’ve never made a huge batch like this. What a great idea and I love all the uses you’ve posted for it. Great recipes and idea. Now I need to whip up a large batch.

    Thanks so much for sharing this. Sometimes something so simple we overlook.

    • Thanks Vicki! This is one of my very favorite things to do – roast garlic in oil. The infused oil is awesome and the roasted garlic – well, you can see here that the possibilities are endless. πŸ™‚

  20. Garlic, garlic, garlic. Makes the world a better place :P. Infused garlic – wow. I think I would like it very much. Have tried roasted garlic only with potatoes before and it is heaven :D.
    Thank you so much for sharing this recipe.

  21. Roasted garlic is wonderful on almost any food. Thanks for sharing those recipes MJ!

  22. I love garlic! That is why i am loving all these recipes you posted!

  23. MJ….I just love cooking with garlic infused olive oil. And what a fabulous round up of garlic recipes you’ve included in this post. Can’t wait to check them all out! I love your cucumber and cream cheese crostini. I just love things like that for lunch or even a light supper in the summer heat. And I’ll be trying that in the next couple of days! : )

  24. Roasted garlic tastes awesome in omelettes too. I love the recipes, thank you for putting them all together!

  25. Roasted garlic is really wonderful in everything I love them in bread.

  26. I love this round-up. Roasted garlic adds such a great flavor to any dish!

  27. Thank you , thank you, thank you.

  28. Spread it on a piece of toasted baguette and I’m a happy boy!!

  29. Mm, isn’t everything better with roasted garlic! It’s lovely in its un-roasted form but when it’s roasted up it’s incredible. Such a complex flavour… smokey, sweet, yum.

    Great round up of recipes MJ – I love the sound of the feta with roasted garlic dip!

  30. This is a fantastic collection of recipes, MJ. Roasted garlic makes everything better — and you shared a round-up that proves it. Thank you for taking the time to gather all of these recipes and post them.

    • You are most welcome John! It sure was fun going through a lot of websites, old and new and finding these jewels. Glad you enjoyed them.

  31. I LOVE roasted garlic. I would put it in just about everything if I could. This is a great list of recipes. You bet I’ll be back on this post many times for all these yummy recipes. Great post MJ! I hope you had a lovely weekend!

  32. Roasted garlic is sent from the heavens and makes everything better!!!

  33. I’m going to roast a truckload of garlic so I can try all these ideas! I really like roasted garlic!

  34. I would love to try roasted garlic in some beautiful dishes πŸ˜€


  35. No joke, MJ. I just finished pulling and cleaning 15 lbs. of garlic. Very appropriate post. I will check out the oil, et al. Thanks for including the bread recipe too.

  36. MJ, apart from baking garlic sometimes along with chicken I never roast it alone, but now I think I will be making it in bulk! All the dishes sound so luscious and frankly, as a huge garlic fan, I suspect that I wouldn’t even need a dish to use roasted garlic: I would just be happy have it on its own! Thank you for all these wonderful ideas!

    • Thanks so much Sissi! Oh you really need to roast garlic just for the sake of roasting garlic and getting some infused oil. I love having it handy for crackers, bread, dips and one of my favorite – mashed potatoes. Tomorrow night I plan on giving that Roasted garlic dressing a try. The pizza will be next.

  37. I go to this restaurant in Florida, and they give you a little bowl full of roasted garlic, and you just shmear it on the bread. BEST stuff in the world!

  38. Love roasted garlic! Your black-eyed pea dip is definitely a keeper.

    • Thanks Angie! I love taking the black-eyed pea dip to parties. People are so surprised when I tell them it’s black-eyed peas. πŸ™‚

  39. Gee thanks lol now I’m really hungry! The links look amazing and just as soon as my garlic is ready to be harvested I’m going to get to work making roasted garlic oil and then these recipies πŸ™‚ Thanks!

    • Thanks you Karyn! Wish I had some garlic to harvest! I’m one of those that buys the big bags of garlic from Costco. πŸ™‚

  40. I must say …. I have no problems using the garlic cloves! I do especially love them in mashed potatoes!

  41. I have to make some roasted garlic soon!!… all the recipes you linked to sound amazing too. πŸ™‚

  42. Roasted garlic is such terrific stuff! This is a valuable post, because I can always use ideas for how to use it. I often just eat it straight – well with bread, actually – as an appetizer. Gotta try it in mashed potatoes! Fun post – thanks.

    • Thank you John! Yep – the best way to use roasted garlic is like you said – just spread it on some bread and enjoy.

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