What’s missing?


Whoops! I seem to be missing my kitchen! It’s been here for almost 60 years so it was time for it to go.

While I’m waiting to get a kitchen back, some friends will be stopping by with some of their fabulous food! Be sure to come over, say Hello and grab a bite to eat.

Cooking without a kitchen

Kitchen Remodel – Before and After


  1. Oooooops, your kitchen is missing, dear πŸ˜‰

  2. Oh, I hope you share updates with lots of photos. I’m remodeling too. Plan to share before, during and after pics…
    Good luck with your process, I know it can be stressful πŸ™‚

  3. Can’t wait to see the changes!!

  4. Good luck with your kitchen renovations! Hope everything goes well and can’t wait to see the results!

  5. How exciting! (and probably stressful). Please post tons of pictures when you get the kitchen finished – I love looking at kitchens.

  6. Bless your heart! That remodel looks painful!
    I love the vintage picture of you and your friends and this was a great guest post. Please post some “after” pictures when you can (which I hope is soon)!

  7. How exciting about the new kitchen. Can’t wait to see what it looks like when it’s done. I bet it will be your dream kitchen.

  8. Wow! This is exciting, MJ! I’m so happy for you and I can’t wait to see how your new kitchen will look like!

  9. You’ll have to show us before and after photos!! πŸ™‚

  10. It’s a pain making over a kitchen, but so worth it. I’ll be eagerly awaiting pictures. Have you decided on counter tops and cabinets yet? And we’ll all want to know what appliances you choose!

  11. I can’t imagine living without a kitchen!! Good luck!!

  12. I will be doing this soon as well, counting days

  13. How exciting!!! A new kitchen!!! I can’t wait to see what it looks like and I hope you will share pictures when you get settled! I wish I were your neighbor…I’d bring you dinner! Anyway….when can we expect the ‘reveal’? : )

    • Thanks Anne! The reveal should be in 4 to 5 weeks if everything goes as planned, but based on day two, that might be a challenge! πŸ™‚

  14. Thanks everyone! Yes, it’s going to be a trip. The first two days have been pretty crazy, but it’s been the tear out. We’re finding some crazy things, but then that’s expected in a 60 year old house. I will be sharing before/after photos when it’s all done.

  15. Wow, MJ! Congrats on gutting the kitchen and what a project. I remember when we did it before selling our house and by the time it was done I was just itching to use all the counters and appliances πŸ™‚ Keep the pictures coming and can’t wait to see how it turns out. And thanks for the invite – I’d definitely stop in for a bite πŸ™‚

  16. What an exciting time! The wait will be well worth it when you have an amazing new space. I’ll be waiting for the before/after pictures, MJ!

  17. How exciting!!! I can’t wait to see the after photos πŸ™‚

  18. Something tells me you are not next door. πŸ™‚ I live in Kamloops B.C.
    You will have a lovely kitchen though. I would be interested to see how it evolves. My goodness, this is for real! I will keep an eye on your progress if you share. Good luck!

  19. That is one funny title. πŸ™‚ I’m all excited seeing this and you are very brave to renovate your kitchen completely, MJ. I’d love to see pictures of your new kitchen, when it is ready. Best of luck with your kitchen renovation!

  20. How exciting! I would love to have new kitchen too! I can’t wait to see yours once it’s done!

  21. Holy Moly!!! How exciting! My hubs is a remodeler who specializes in kitchen renovations so I will be super excited to watch your progress!! Hang in there! I have washed dishes in bathtubs, in sinks hooked up outside, in bath room sinks -stinks for a while, but it’s so nice when it’s all finished. Good luck!

    • Thanks Michelle! Bobby is washing dishes in the bathtub as I type this. πŸ™‚ I didn’t know what your husband did. We should have consulted your husband for ideas! I bet he has renovated some beautiful kitchens!

  22. Exxxxcitingggg!!! I can’t wait to see the beautiful MJ’s Kitchen. Like Nami, me too can’t wait to see the before and after photos. πŸ™‚

  23. You have to let me know how you survived being kitchenless! we’re redoing ours this fall and I’m totally sweating it since we have a 7 week old baby!!

    • I certainly will! I can’t imagine going through this with a 7 week old baby! You’re a brave lady! πŸ™‚ The first two days have been tear out and that has not been fun: however, based on other remodels we’ve done, that’s the worst part. If you can survive the tear out, the rest is a piece of cake. πŸ™‚

  24. Wow, now that’s a full kitchen remodel! I look forward to seeing what you do with the space.

  25. Susan Rankin

    I’d love to come to dinner. You buying the plane ticket?

  26. Oh my Goodness, that *is* a full reno!! How exciting… good luck with the transition MJ – looking forward to reading your guest posts! πŸ™‚

  27. Good luck with the kitchen renovation! I imagine how thrilled you must be to have soon a new place to enjoy cooking and experimenting.

  28. Can’t wait to see the transformation of your new kitchen! Hope you have fun with the renovation!

  29. That’s right! The time has come! Oh I’m so looking forward to seeing your before after picture MJ! I hope you will share it with us. I love kitchen remodel/updates. For us food bloggers, that’s where we spend majority of time and I can see your excitement already! Will be back to check on your guests! πŸ˜‰

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